Source code for prospect.grid_thumbs

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Grid of thumbnail plots displaying a set of spectra


import numpy as np
import astropy.convolution

import bokeh.plotting as bk
import bokeh.layouts as bl

from .coaddcam import coaddcam_prospect

# - structure: class??
# - improve thumbs with infos, plot quality

[docs]def grid_thumbs(spectra, thumb_width, x_range=(3400,10000), thumb_height=None, resamp_factor=15, ncols_grid=5, titles=None) : ''' Create a bokeh gridplot of thumbnail pictures from spectra - coadd arms - smooth+resample to reduce size of embedded CDS, according to resamp_factor - titles : optional list of titles for each thumb TODO: Not tested on Spectrum1D objects. ''' if thumb_height is None : thumb_height = thumb_width//2 if titles is not None : assert len(titles) == spectra.num_spectra() thumb_wave, thumb_flux, dummy = coaddcam_prospect(spectra) kernel = astropy.convolution.Gaussian1DKernel(stddev=resamp_factor) thumb_plots = [] for i_spec in range(spectra.num_spectra()) : x_vals = (thumb_wave[::resamp_factor])[resamp_factor:-resamp_factor] # Use astropy convolution : handles NaNs y_vals = astropy.convolution.convolve(thumb_flux[i_spec,:], kernel, nan_treatment='fill') y_vals = (y_vals[::resamp_factor])[resamp_factor:-resamp_factor] x_vals = x_vals[~np.isnan(y_vals)] # Needed to avoid 'ValueError: Out of range float values are not JSON compliant' y_vals = y_vals[~np.isnan(y_vals)] if len(x_vals)==0 : # All NaN ... this should not happen ... ymin, ymax = -1, 1 else : yampl = np.max(y_vals) - np.min(y_vals) ymin = np.min(y_vals) - 0.1*yampl ymax = np.max(y_vals) + 0.1*yampl plot_title = None if titles is not None : plot_title = titles[i_spec] mini_plot = bk.figure(plot_width=thumb_width, plot_height=thumb_height, x_range=x_range, y_range=(ymin,ymax), title=plot_title) if len(x_vals)!=0 : mini_plot.line(x_vals, y_vals, line_color='red') mini_plot.xaxis.visible = False mini_plot.yaxis.visible = False mini_plot.min_border_left = 0 mini_plot.min_border_right = 0 mini_plot.min_border_top = 0 mini_plot.min_border_bottom = 0 thumb_plots.append(mini_plot) return bl.gridplot(thumb_plots, ncols=ncols_grid, toolbar_location=None, sizing_mode='scale_width')