Source code for prospect.scripts.prospect_pages

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Create static html files to visually inspect DESI spectra.

import os
import argparse
import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Table, vstack

import desispec.spectra
from import healpix_subdirectory
from desiutil.log import get_logger

from ..viewer import plotspectra
from ..utilities import (create_targetdb, create_subsetdb, match_catalog_to_spectra, match_rrdetails_to_spectra, file_or_gz,
                        file_or_gz_exists, load_spectra_zcat_from_targets, metadata_selection, get_subset_label, frames2spectra)

def _parse():

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Create static html files to visually inspect DESI spectra. Spectra are selected from '
                                     'either a list of files (Mode: Explicit input files), or a given DESI directory tree to be parsed by prospect '
                                     ' (Mode: Scan directory tree)', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
    #- Explicit file input
    parser.add_argument('--spectra_files', help='[Mode: Explicit input files] Absolute path of file(s) with DESI spectra. All input spectra files must have exactly the same format (fibermap, extra, scores...). Frames are not supported.', nargs='+', type=str, default=None)
    parser.add_argument('--spectra_file_list', help='[Mode: Explicit input files] ASCII file with list of DESI spectra files, one per row', type=str, default=None)
    parser.add_argument('--zcat_files', help='[Mode: Explicit input files] Absolute path of redshift catalog fits file(s), matched one-by-one to spectra_files', nargs='+', type=str, default=None)
    parser.add_argument('--zcat_file_list', help='[Mode: Explicit input files] ASCII file with list of redshift catalog files, one per row', type=str, default=None)
    parser.add_argument('--redrock_details_files', help='[Mode: Explicit input files] Absolute path of detailed redrock file(s) (.h5), matched one-by-one to spectra_files', nargs='+', type=str, default=None)
    parser.add_argument('--redrock_details_file_list', help='[Mode: Explicit input files] ASCII file with list of detailed redrock files, one per row', type=str, default=None)
    #- Selection-based file input (select data subsets based on tiles, expids...)
    parser.add_argument('--datadir', help='[Mode: Scan directory tree] Location of input directory tree (eg. $DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX/iron/healpix)', type=str, default=None)
    parser.add_argument('--dirtree_type', help='''[Mode: Scan directory tree] The following directory tree categories are supported:
                dirtree_type='healpix': {datadir}/{survey}/{program}/{pixel//100}/{pixel}/{spectra_type}-{survey}-{program}-{pixel}.fits ;
                dirtree_type='pernight': {datadir}/{tileid}/{night}/{spectra_type}-{petal}-{tile}-{night}.fits ;
                dirtree_type='perexp': {datadir}/{tileid}/{expid}/{spectra_type}-{petal}-{tile}-exp{expid}.fits ;
                dirtree_type='cumulative': {datadir}/{tileid}/{night}/{spectra_type}-{petal}-{tile}-thru{night}.fits ;
                dirtree_type='exposures': {datadir}/{night}/{expid}/{spectra_type}-{band}{petal}-{expid}.fits ;
            Note that 'perexp' and 'exposures' are different. Fits and fits.gz extensions are ok.
            To use blanc/cascades 'all' (resp 'deep') coadds, use dirtree_type='pernight' and nights=['all'] (resp ['deep'])''', type=str, default=None)
    parser.add_argument('--spectra_type', help='[Mode: Scan directory tree] Prefix of spectra files: frame, cframe, sframe, coadd, spectra. [c/s]frames are needed when dirtree_type=exposures.', type=str, default='coadd')
    parser.add_argument('--survey_program', help='[Mode: Scan directory tree] Set survey and program (eg. --survey_program sv3 dark) when dirtree_type=healpix', nargs='+', type=str, default=None)
    parser_pixels = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
    parser_pixels.add_argument('--pixels', help='[Mode: Scan directory tree] Filter over pixel[s]', nargs='+', type=str, default=None)
    parser_pixels.add_argument('--pixel_list', help='[Mode: Scan directory tree] Filter over pixel[s]: ASCII file with list of pixels, one per row', type=str, default=None)
    parser_tiles = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
    parser_tiles.add_argument('--tiles', help='[Mode: Scan directory tree] Filter over tile[s]', nargs='+', type=str, default=None)
    parser_tiles.add_argument('--tile_list', help='[Mode: Scan directory tree] Filter over tile[s]: ASCII file with list of tiles, one per row', type=str, default=None)
    parser_nights= parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
    parser_nights.add_argument('--nights', help='[Mode: Scan directory tree] Filter over night[s]', nargs='+', type=str, default=None)
    parser_nights.add_argument('--night_list', help='[Mode: Scan directory tree] Filter over night[s]: ASCII file with list of nights, one per row', type=str, default=None)
    parser_expids = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
    parser_expids.add_argument('--expids', help='[Mode: Scan directory tree] Filter over exposure[s]', nargs='+', type=str, default=None)
    parser_expids.add_argument('--expid_list', help='[Mode: Scan directory tree] Filter over exposure[s]: ASCII file with list of exposure, one per row', type=str, default=None)
    parser.add_argument('--petals', help='[Mode: Scan directory tree] Filter over petal[s], labelled 0 to 9', nargs='+', type=str, default=None)
    parser.add_argument('--with_zcatalog', help='[Mode: Scan directory tree] Include redshift fit result (from "redrock"/"zbest" fits files)', action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('--with_multiple_models', help='[Mode: Scan directory tree] Display several models, using detailed redrock files (.h5)', action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('--nmax_spectra', help='[Mode: Scan directory tree] Stop creating html pages once nmax_spectra are done', type=int, default=None)

    #- Generic parameters. The only mandatory one is outputdir
    parser.add_argument('--outputdir', '-o', help='Directory where output html pages are writen', type=str)
    parser.add_argument('--nspec_per_page', help='Number of spectra in each html page', type=int, default=50)
    parser.add_argument('--with_thumbnail_only_pages', help='Create independent html pages with a thumbnail gallery, in addition to the main prospect pages. These additional pages are much faster to download than the main pages.', action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('--mask_type', help='Targeting mask type', type=str, default='DESI_TARGET')
    parser.add_argument('--template_dir', help='Redrock template directory', type=str, default=None)
    parser.add_argument('--std_template_file', help='''File containing "standard templates" to display in viewer.
                Format: N templates in a single fits file, containing N tables (HDU 1 to N) exclusively.
                The table associated to template TMPLT should contain two columns, named 'wave_TMPLT' and 'flux_TMPLT'.
                Wavelength arrays should be regularly, linearly binned.
            Prospect default is in data/std_template.fits.''', type=str, default=None)
    parser.add_argument('--no_clean_fiberstatus', dest='clean_fiberstatus', help='Do not filter out spectra with FIBERSTATUS!=0', action='store_false')
    parser.add_argument('--select_bad_fiberstatus', help='[For debugging] Select spectra with FIBERSTATUS!=0', action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('--clean_bad_fibers_cmx', help='[Specific to CMX conditions] Remove list of known bad fibers at CMX time.', action='store_true')

    #- VI page display parameters
    parser.add_argument('--titlepage_prefix', help='Prefix for html page title', type=str, default='DESI_spectra')
    parser.add_argument('--top_metadata', help="""List of fibermap's metadata to be highlighted (display in the most visible table).
        Note: if fibermap contains FIRST/LAST/NUM_XX, then including XX in top_metadata will display all of FIRST/LAST/NUM_XX.""", nargs='+', type=str, default=None)
    parser.add_argument('--colors', help="""Customize the curve's colors: 3 colors should be given, associated respectively to the coadded data, the model and the noise.""", nargs='+', type=str, default=None)
    parser.add_argument('--no_imaging', dest='with_imaging', help='Do not include thumb images from', action='store_false')
    parser.add_argument('--no_noise', dest='with_noise', help='Do not display noise vectors associated to spectra', action='store_false')
    parser.add_argument('--no_other_model', dest='with_other_model', help="""Do not display the 'other model' curve""", action='store_false')
    parser.add_argument('--no_thumb_tab', dest='with_thumb_tab', help='Do not include a tab with spectra thumbnails', action='store_false')
    parser.add_argument('--no_vi_widgets', dest='with_vi_widgets', help='Do not include widgets used to enter VI information', action='store_false')
    parser.add_argument('--no_coaddcam', dest='with_coaddcam', help='Do not include camera-coaddition (DESI only)', action='store_false')
    parser.add_argument('--vi_countdown', help='Countdown widget (in minutes)', type=int, default=-1)
    parser.add_argument('--no_full_2ndfit', dest='with_full_2ndfit', help='Compute and display the second best-fit model without approximation (when available)', action='store_false')
    parser.add_argument('--num_approx_fits', help='Number of best-fit models to display', type=int, default=4)

    #- Filtering at the spectra level
    parser.add_argument('--targeting_mask', help='Filter objects with a given targeting mask.', type=str, default=None)
    parser.add_argument('--snr_min', help='Filter objects with scores.MEDIAN_COADD_SNR_B+R+Z (or MEDIAN_CALIB_SNR_B+R+Z) in range [min, max]', type=float, default=None)
    parser.add_argument('--snr_max', type=float, default=None)
    parser.add_argument('--gmag_min', help='Filter objects with [dereddened] g-mag in range [min, max]', type=float, default=None)
    parser.add_argument('--gmag_max', type=float, default=None)
    parser.add_argument('--rmag_min', help='Filter objects with [dereddened] r-mag in range [min, max]', type=float, default=None)
    parser.add_argument('--rmag_max', type=float, default=None)
    parser.add_argument('--chi2_min', help='Filter objects with Delta_chi2 (from redshift catalog file) in range [min, max]', type=float, default=None)
    parser.add_argument('--chi2_max', type=float, default=None)
    parse_target = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
    parse_target.add_argument('--targets', help='Filter over TARGETID', nargs='+', type=int, default=None)
    parse_target.add_argument('--target_list', help='''Filter over TARGETID: ASCII or FITS file providing the list of TARGETIDs. File format:
        - ASCII: simple list of TARGETIDs, one per row.
        - FITS: file whose first HDU is a table including a column named TARGETID.''', type=str, default=None)

    args = parser.parse_args()
    return args

[docs]def _filter_list(args, filter_name): """ Make list of 'filter_name' from either args.filter_names (values are explicitely given to parser) or args.filter_name_list (read file) """ list_output = None if vars(args)[filter_name+'s'] is not None: list_output = vars(args)[filter_name+'s'] elif vars(args)[filter_name+'_list'] is not None: fname = vars(args)[filter_name+'_list'] #- TARGETIDs can be read from a FITS file if (filter_name == 'target') and (fname[-5:] in ['.fits', '.FITS']): hlist = list_output = hlist[1].data['TARGETID'] else: list_output = np.loadtxt(fname, dtype=str, comments='#') #- TARGETIDs should really be int64 if filter_name == 'target' and list_output is not None: list_output = np.array(list_output, dtype='int64') return list_output
# List of bad fibers in CMX data (see eg SB / KD emails 23-24/03/2020) _bad_fibers_cmx = [ [1000, 1250], # r2 amp A glowing spot CCD defect [2250, 2500], # r4 amp D serial register CTE problem [4500, 4750] # b9 amp C readout salt-and-pepper noise ]
[docs]def load_spectra_zcat_from_dbentry(db_entry, args, log, with_redrock_version=True): """ Load (spectra, zcat, redrock_cat) from a subset of DESI data (a subdirectory). Somewhat similar to `..utilities.load_spectra_zcat_from_targets()`, but this function is intended to be used only by `prospect_pages` script. """ spectra, zcat, redrock_cat = None, None, None ztables, rrtables = [], [] subset_label = get_subset_label(db_entry['subset'], args.dirtree_type) for petal in db_entry['petals']: if args.dirtree_type == 'healpix': nside = 64 # dummy, currently the_dir = os.path.join(args.datadir, db_entry['dataset'][0], db_entry['dataset'][1], healpix_subdirectory(nside, int(db_entry['subset']))) file_label = '-'.join([db_entry['dataset'][0], db_entry['dataset'][1], subset_label]) else: the_dir = os.path.join(args.datadir, db_entry['dataset'], db_entry['subset']) if args.dirtree_type == 'exposures': file_label = [ band+petal+'-'+db_entry['subset'] for band in ['b','r','z'] ] else: file_label = '-'.join([petal, db_entry['dataset'], subset_label]) if args.dirtree_type == 'exposures': #- Read frames and convert to Spectra fnames = [ os.path.join(the_dir, args.spectra_type+"-"+label+".fits") for label in file_label ] frames = [ for fname in fnames ] the_spec = frames2spectra(frames, with_scores=True) else: #- Read a single Spectra file directly the_spec =, args.spectra_type+"-"+file_label+".fits"), single=True) if args.with_zcatalog: if file_or_gz_exists(os.path.join(the_dir, "redrock-"+file_label+".fits")): redrock_is_pre_everest = False the_zcat =, "redrock-"+file_label+".fits")), 'REDSHIFTS') else: # pre-everest Redrock file nomenclature redrock_is_pre_everest = True the_zcat =, "zbest-"+file_label+".fits")), 'ZBEST') if hasattr(the_zcat['SUBTYPE'], 'mask'): # work around Table auto-masking in astropy 5 blanksubtype = the_zcat['SUBTYPE'].mask the_zcat['SUBTYPE'][blanksubtype] = '' if with_redrock_version: if redrock_is_pre_everest: hdulist =, "zbest-"+file_label+".fits"))) else: hdulist =, "redrock-"+file_label+".fits"))) the_zcat['RRVER'] = hdulist[hdulist.index_of('PRIMARY')].header['RRVER'] else: the_zcat = None #- Filtering (done after zcat is loaded, in order to include chi2_min/max !) the_spec = metadata_selection(the_spec, log=log, mask=args.targeting_mask, mask_type=args.mask_type, snr_range=[args.snr_min, args.snr_max], gmag_range=[args.gmag_min, args.gmag_max], rmag_range=[args.rmag_min, args.rmag_max], chi2_range=[args.chi2_min, args.chi2_max], clean_fiberstatus=args.clean_fiberstatus, select_bad_fiberstatus=args.select_bad_fiberstatus, zcat=the_zcat) # TODO dirty_mask_merge? #- Fiber-based filter in CMX data kept here for record only if args.clean_bad_fibers_cmx: fibers = np.arange(5000) for cut_fiber_range in _bad_fibers_cmx : fibers = fibers[ ( (fibers < cut_fiber_range[0]) | (fibers > cut_fiber_range[1]) )] try: the_spec = except RuntimeError as select_err: the_spec = None if the_spec is None: continue #- Match zcat after spectra are filtered ! if args.with_zcatalog: the_zcat = match_catalog_to_spectra(the_zcat, the_spec) ztables.append(the_zcat) if args.with_multiple_models: if redrock_is_pre_everest: rrfile = os.path.join(the_dir, "redrock-"+file_label+".h5") else: rrfile = os.path.join(the_dir, "rrdetails-"+file_label+".h5") the_rrcat = match_rrdetails_to_spectra(rrfile, the_spec, Nfit=None) # TODO Nfit? rrtables.append(the_rrcat) if spectra is None: spectra = the_spec elif the_spec is not None: #- Use update() instead of stack(): handle the case when different files'fibermaps differ. spectra.update(the_spec) if args.with_zcatalog: zcat = vstack(ztables) if args.with_multiple_models: redrock_cat = vstack(rrtables) return (spectra, zcat, redrock_cat)
[docs]def page_subset(spectra, nspec_per_page, titlepage_prefix, viewer_params, log, zcat=None, redrock_cat=None, sort_by_targetid=False): """ Make a set of prospect html pages from (spectra, zcat, redrock_cat) zcat and redrock_cat must be entry-matched to spectra """ nspec_tot = spectra.num_spectra()" * Total nb spectra for this set of VI pages: "+str(nspec_tot)) if sort_by_targetid: sort_indices = np.argsort(spectra.fibermap["TARGETID"]) else: sort_indices = np.arange(nspec_tot) nbpages = int(np.ceil((nspec_tot/nspec_per_page))) for i_page in range(1,1+nbpages) :" * Page "+str(i_page)+" / "+str(nbpages)) the_indices = sort_indices[(i_page-1)*nspec_per_page:i_page*nspec_per_page] thespec = spectra[the_indices] if zcat is not None: the_zcat = zcat[the_indices] else: the_zcat = None if redrock_cat is not None : the_rrtable = redrock_cat[the_indices] else : the_rrtable = None titlepage = titlepage_prefix if nbpages>1: titlepage += ("_"+str(i_page)) plotspectra(thespec, zcatalog=the_zcat, redrock_cat=the_rrtable, title=titlepage, **viewer_params) return nspec_tot
def main(): args = _parse() log = get_logger() #- Two ways to provide input files if (args.spectra_files is None) and (args.spectra_file_list is None): input_mode = 'scan-dirtree' else: input_mode = 'explicit-files' if (args.targets is None) and (args.target_list is None): target_filter = False else: target_filter = True targetids = _filter_list(args, 'target') #- If a list of TARGETIDs is given, one should not ask any other filtering at the spectra level for the_arg in ['targeting_mask', 'snr_min', 'snr_max', 'gmag_min', 'gmag_max', 'rmag_min', 'rmag_max', 'chi2_min', 'chi2_max', 'nmax_spectra']: if vars(args)[the_arg] is not None: raise ValueError('Argument(s) not allowed with --targets/--target_list: '+the_arg) #- Parameters provided as is to viewer.plotspectra: viewer_params = { 'html_dir': args.outputdir, 'mask_type': args.mask_type, 'top_metadata': args.top_metadata, 'template_dir': args.template_dir, 'vi_countdown': args.vi_countdown, 'num_approx_fits': args.num_approx_fits, 'with_full_2ndfit': args.with_full_2ndfit, 'with_thumb_only_page': args.with_thumbnail_only_pages, 'std_template_file': args.std_template_file, 'colors': args.colors, 'with_imaging': args.with_imaging, 'with_noise': args.with_noise, 'with_other_model': args.with_other_model, 'with_thumb_tab': args.with_thumb_tab, 'with_vi_widgets': args.with_vi_widgets, 'with_coaddcam': args.with_coaddcam } ############################# #- Mode: Explicit input files ############################# if input_mode == 'explicit-files': for the_arg in ['datadir', 'dirtree_type', 'tiles', 'tile_list', 'nights', 'night_list', 'expids', 'expid_list', 'petals', 'nmax_spectra']: if vars(args)[the_arg] is not None: raise ValueError('Argument not allowed in mode "Explicit input files": '+the_arg) spectra_files = _filter_list(args, 'spectra_file') zcat_files = _filter_list(args, 'zcat_file') redrock_details_files = _filter_list(args, 'redrock_details_file') if (redrock_details_files is not None) and (zcat_files is None): raise ValueError('Argument `zcat_files` is needed if `redrock_details_files` is set') n_specfiles = len(spectra_files) if zcat_files is not None : if len(zcat_files)!=n_specfiles: raise ValueError('Number of zcat_files does not match number of input spectra_files') if redrock_details_files is not None : if len(redrock_details_files)!=n_specfiles: raise ValueError('Number of redrock_details_files does not match number of input spectra_files')'Prospect_pages: start reading data [mode: Explicit input files]') #- Read input file(s) spectra_list, zcat_list, redrock_list = [], [], [] for i_file in range(n_specfiles): spectra =[i_file], single=True) if zcat_files is not None: try: zcat =[i_file], 'REDSHIFTS') except KeyError as e: # pre-everest Redrock file nomenclature zcat =[i_file], 'ZBEST') if hasattr(zcat['SUBTYPE'], 'mask'): # work around Table auto-masking in astropy 5 blanksubtype = zcat['SUBTYPE'].mask zcat['SUBTYPE'][blanksubtype] = '' #- Add redrock version to zcat hdulist =[i_file]) zcat['RRVER'] = hdulist[hdulist.index_of('PRIMARY')].header['RRVER'] else: zcat = None #- Filtering: generic metadata spectra, indx = metadata_selection(spectra, log=log, mask=args.targeting_mask, mask_type=args.mask_type, snr_range=[args.snr_min, args.snr_max], gmag_range=[args.gmag_min, args.gmag_max], rmag_range=[args.rmag_min, args.rmag_max], chi2_range=[args.chi2_min, args.chi2_max], clean_fiberstatus=args.clean_fiberstatus, select_bad_fiberstatus=args.select_bad_fiberstatus, zcat=zcat, return_index=True) if zcat_files is not None: zcat = zcat[indx] #- Filtering: targetids # NB Here spectra are just filtered, ie. not reordered according to input targets if target_filter: try: spectra, indx =, return_index=True) except RuntimeError: # this happens if no TARGETID is matched: spectra, indx = None, np.array([], dtype='int64') if zcat_files is not None: zcat = zcat[indx] if spectra is not None: spectra_list.append(spectra) if zcat_files is not None: zcat_list.append(zcat) if redrock_details_files is not None: redrock_cat = match_rrdetails_to_spectra(redrock_details_files[i_file], spectra) redrock_list.append(redrock_cat) if len(spectra_list) == 0:"Prospect_pages: no spectra after filtering criteria -> End of task.") return 0 spectra = desispec.spectra.stack(spectra_list) del spectra_list[:] # should roughly divide memory usage by two if zcat_files is not None: zcat = vstack(zcat_list) else: zcat = None if redrock_details_files is not None: redrock_cat = vstack(redrock_list) else: redrock_cat = None #- Run viewer.plotspectra()'Prospect_pages: start creating html page(s)') n_done = page_subset(spectra, args.nspec_per_page, args.titlepage_prefix, viewer_params, log, zcat=zcat, redrock_cat=redrock_cat) ############################ #- Mode: Scan directory tree ############################ if input_mode == 'scan-dirtree': if any([ x is not None for x in [args.spectra_files, args.zcat_files, args.redrock_details_files, args.spectra_file_list, args.zcat_file_list, args.redrock_details_file_list] ]): raise ValueError('Argument not allowed in "Scan directory tree" mode: spectra/zcat/redrock_details_files') if any([ x is None for x in [args.datadir, args.dirtree_type] ]): raise ValueError('Missing parameter in "Scan directory tree" mode: datadir/dirtree_type') if args.with_multiple_models and not args.with_zcatalog: raise ValueError('Need `with_zcatalog` if `with_multiple_models` is set') if target_filter and not args.with_zcatalog: raise ValueError('Need `with_zcatalog` if TARGETID-based filtering in multi-file input mode') if args.spectra_type in ['frame', 'cframe', 'sframe']: if (args.dirtree_type!='exposures') or args.with_zcatalog: raise ValueError('Argument(s) dirtree_type/with_zcatalog not consistent with frame-like spectra_type.') elif args.spectra_type in ['coadd', 'spectra']: if args.dirtree_type == 'exposures': raise ValueError('Argument dirtree_type not consistent with spectra_type.') else: raise ValueError('spectra_type not supported: '+args.spectra_type) tiles = _filter_list(args, 'tile') nights = _filter_list(args, 'night') expids = _filter_list(args, 'expid') pixels = _filter_list(args, 'pixel') subset_db = create_subsetdb(args.datadir, dirtree_type=args.dirtree_type, spectra_type=args.spectra_type, tiles=tiles, nights=nights, expids=expids, pixels=pixels, petals=args.petals, survey_program=args.survey_program, with_zcat=args.with_zcatalog) #- Spectra from a list of TARGETIDs if target_filter:'Prospect_pages: start reading data [mode: Scan directory tree, with target selection]') target_db = create_targetdb(args.datadir, subset_db, dirtree_type=args.dirtree_type) if args.with_multiple_models: spectra, zcat, redrock_cat = load_spectra_zcat_from_targets(targetids, args.datadir, target_db, dirtree_type=args.dirtree_type, with_redrock_details=True) else: spectra, zcat = load_spectra_zcat_from_targets(targetids, args.datadir, target_db, dirtree_type=args.dirtree_type, with_redrock_details=False) redrock_cat = None'Prospect_pages: start creating html page(s)') n_done = page_subset(spectra, args.nspec_per_page, args.titlepage_prefix, viewer_params, log, zcat=zcat, redrock_cat=redrock_cat) #- All spectra, possibly filtered based on some metadata else:'Prospect_pages: start reading data [mode: Scan directory tree]') n_done = 0 for db_entry in subset_db: if args.dirtree_type == 'healpix': dataset = '-'.join(db_entry['dataset']) else: dataset = db_entry['dataset']"Dataset "+dataset+" - subset "+db_entry['subset']) spectra, zcat, redrock_cat = load_spectra_zcat_from_dbentry(db_entry, args, log) if spectra is None:'No spectra found for this subset') continue #- Associate a subdirectory for each individual subset: html_subdir = dataset+'-'+get_subset_label(db_entry['subset'], args.dirtree_type) viewer_params['html_dir'] = os.path.join(args.outputdir, html_subdir) os.makedirs(viewer_params['html_dir'], exist_ok=True) titlepage_prefix = args.titlepage_prefix + '_' + html_subdir nspec = page_subset(spectra, args.nspec_per_page, titlepage_prefix, viewer_params, log, zcat=zcat, redrock_cat=redrock_cat) n_done += nspec if args.nmax_spectra is not None: if n_done >= args.nmax_spectra:'Prospect_pages: reached nmax_spectra -> End of task.') return 0'Prospect_pages: all done -> End of task.') return 0