Source code for prospect.utilities

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Utility functions for prospect.

import os, glob, sys
from pkg_resources import resource_string, resource_listdir

import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Table, vstack, hstack
import scipy.ndimage.filters

_desiutil_imported = True
    from desiutil.log import get_logger
except ImportError:
    _desiutil_imported = False

_desispec_imported = True
    import desispec.spectra
    import desispec.frame
    from import healpix_subdirectory
except ImportError:
    _desispec_imported = False

_desitarget_imported = True
    from desitarget.targetmask import desi_mask, bgs_mask, mws_mask, scnd_mask
    from desitarget.cmx.cmx_targetmask import cmx_mask
    from desitarget.sv1.sv1_targetmask import desi_mask as sv1_desi_mask
    from desitarget.sv1.sv1_targetmask import bgs_mask as sv1_bgs_mask
    from desitarget.sv1.sv1_targetmask import mws_mask as sv1_mws_mask
    from desitarget.sv1.sv1_targetmask import scnd_mask as sv1_scnd_mask
    from desitarget.sv2.sv2_targetmask import desi_mask as sv2_desi_mask
    from desitarget.sv2.sv2_targetmask import bgs_mask as sv2_bgs_mask
    from desitarget.sv2.sv2_targetmask import mws_mask as sv2_mws_mask
    from desitarget.sv2.sv2_targetmask import scnd_mask as sv2_scnd_mask
    from desitarget.sv3.sv3_targetmask import desi_mask as sv3_desi_mask
    from desitarget.sv3.sv3_targetmask import bgs_mask as sv3_bgs_mask
    from desitarget.sv3.sv3_targetmask import mws_mask as sv3_mws_mask
    from desitarget.sv3.sv3_targetmask import scnd_mask as sv3_scnd_mask
    supported_desitarget_masks = {
        'DESI_TARGET': desi_mask,
        'BGS_TARGET': bgs_mask,
        'MWS_TARGET': mws_mask,
        'SCND_TARGET': scnd_mask,
        'CMX_TARGET': cmx_mask,
        'SV1_DESI_TARGET': sv1_desi_mask,
        'SV1_BGS_TARGET': sv1_bgs_mask,
        'SV1_MWS_TARGET': sv1_mws_mask,
        'SV1_SCND_TARGET': sv1_scnd_mask,
        'SV2_DESI_TARGET': sv2_desi_mask,
        'SV2_BGS_TARGET': sv2_bgs_mask,
        'SV2_MWS_TARGET': sv2_mws_mask,
        'SV2_SCND_TARGET': sv2_scnd_mask,
        'SV3_DESI_TARGET': sv3_desi_mask,
        'SV3_BGS_TARGET': sv3_bgs_mask,
        'SV3_MWS_TARGET': sv3_mws_mask,
        'SV3_SCND_TARGET': sv3_scnd_mask,
except ImportError:
    _desitarget_imported = False
    supported_desitarget_masks = dict()

_redrock_imported = True
    import redrock.templates
    from redrock.archetypes import All_archetypes
    import redrock.results
except ImportError:
    _redrock_imported = False

vi_flags = [
    # Definition of VI flags
    # shortlabels for "issue" flags must be a unique single-letter identifier
    {"label" : "4", "type" : "quality", "description" : "Confident classification: two or more secure features."},
    {"label" : "3", "type" : "quality", "description" : "Probable classification: at least one secure spectral feature + continuum or many weak spectral features."},
    {"label" : "2", "type" : "quality", "description" : "Possible classification: one strong spectral feature but unsure what it is."},
    {"label" : "1", "type" : "quality", "description" : "Unlikely classification: clear signal but features are unidentified."},
    {"label" : "0", "type" : "quality", "description" : "Nothing there, no signal."},
    {"label" : "Bad redshift fit", "shortlabel" : "R", "type" : "issue", "description" : "Mis-estimation of redshift by the pipeline fitter"},
    {"label" : "Bad spectype fit", "shortlabel" : "C", "type" : "issue", "description" : "Mis-identification of spectral type from the best-fit pipeline solution; e.g., star vs QSO..."},
    {"label" : "Bad spectrum", "shortlabel" : "S", "type" : "issue", "description" : "Bad spectrum; e.g. strong cosmic/skyline subtraction residuals."}

vi_file_fields = [
    # Contents of VI files: [
    #      field name (in VI file header),
    #      associated variable in viewer_cds.cds_metadata,
    #      dtype in VI file
    #      default value ]
    # Ordered list
    ["TARGETID", "TARGETID", "i8", -1],
    ["EXPID", "EXPID", "i4", -1],
    ["NIGHT", "NIGHT", "i4", -1],
    ["TILEID", "TILEID", "i4", -1],
    ["Spec_version", "spec_version", "U16", "-1"],
    ["Redrock_version", "redrock_version", "U16", "-1"],
    ["Template_version", "template_version", "U16", "-1"],
    ["Redrock_spectype", "SPECTYPE", "U10", ""],
    ["Redrock_z", "Z", "U6", "-1"],
    ["Redrock_deltachi2", "DELTACHI2", "U10", "-1"],
    ["VI_scanner", "VI_scanner", "U10", " "],
    ["VI_quality", "VI_quality_flag", "U2", "-1"],
    ["VI_issue", "VI_issue_flag", "U3", ""],
    ["VI_z", "VI_z", "U6", ""],
    ["VI_spectype", "VI_spectype", "U10", ""],
    ["VI_comment", "VI_comment", "U100", ""]

vi_spectypes =[
    # List of spectral types to fill in VI categories
    # in principle, it should match somehow redrock spectypes...

vi_std_comments = [
    # Standardized VI comments
    "Broad absorption line quasar (BAL)",
    "Damped Lyman-alpha system (DLA)",
    "Two objects in spectrum",

_resource_cache = {'templates': None, 'js': None}

[docs]def get_resources(filetype): """Find all HTML template or JavaScript files in the package. Caches the results for quick access. Parameters ---------- filetype : {'templates', 'js'} The type of file resource needed. Returns ------- :class:`dict` A dictionary mapping filename to the contents of the file. Raises ------ ValueError If `filetype` is unknown. """ global _resource_cache if filetype not in _resource_cache: raise ValueError("Unknown filetype '{0}' for get_resources()!".format(filetype)) if _resource_cache[filetype] is None: _resource_cache[filetype] = dict() for f in resource_listdir('prospect', filetype): if not f.startswith("."): _resource_cache[filetype][f] = resource_string('prospect', filetype + '/' + f).decode('utf-8') return _resource_cache[filetype]
[docs]def file_or_gz(fname): """ Returns `fname.gz` if `fname` does not exist but `fname.gz` exists. Returns `fname` in all other cases. Note ---- This function is similar to ``, but does not raise an error if files are not found. """ fname_out = fname if (not os.path.exists(fname)) and os.path.exists(fname+'.gz'): fname_out += '.gz' return fname_out
[docs]def file_or_gz_exists(fname): """ Returns `True` if `fname` or `fname.gz` exists. """ one_exists = os.path.isfile(fname) or os.path.isfile(fname+'.gz') return one_exists
[docs]def load_redrock_templates(template_dir=None) : ''' Load redrock templates; redirect stdout because redrock is chatty ''' assert _redrock_imported saved_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = open('/dev/null', 'w') try: templates = dict() for filename in redrock.templates.find_templates(template_path=template_dir): tx = redrock.templates.Template(filename) templates[(tx.template_type, tx.sub_type)] = tx except Exception as err: sys.stdout = saved_stdout raise(err) sys.stdout = saved_stdout return templates
[docs]def match_catalog_to_spectra(zcat_in, spectra, return_index=False): """ Creates a subcatalog, matching a set of DESI spectra Parameters ---------- zcat_in : :class:`~astropy.table.Table`, with TARGETID keys spectra : :class:`~desispec.spectra.Spectra` return_index : :class:`bool`, optional If ``True``, returns the list of indices in zcat_in which match spectra Returns ------- :class:`~astropy.table.Table` A subtable of zcat_in, with rows matching input spectra's TARGETIDs If return_index is ``True``, returns (subtable, list of indices) Raises ------ RuntimeError If a unique row in zcat_in is not found matching each of spectra's TARGETIDs """ if zcat_in is None : return None zcat_out = Table(dtype=zcat_in.dtype) index_list = list() for i_spec in range(spectra.num_spectra()) : ww, = np.where((zcat_in['TARGETID'] == spectra.fibermap['TARGETID'][i_spec])) if len(ww)<1 : raise RuntimeError("No entry in zcat_in for TARGETID "+str(spectra.fibermap['TARGETID'][i_spec])) elif len(ww)>1 : raise RuntimeError("Several entries in zcat_in for TARGETID "+str(spectra.fibermap['TARGETID'][i_spec])) # zcat_out.add_row(zcat_in[ww[0]]) seems to convert '' to '0.0' (eg. SUBTYPE) with astropy 5.0 (?) # so we use vstack instead zcat_out = vstack([zcat_out, zcat_in[ww[0]]]) index_list.append(ww[0]) if return_index: return (zcat_out, index_list) else: return zcat_out
[docs]def match_rrdetails_to_spectra(redrockfile, spectra, Nfit=None): """ Creates a Table from a detailed Redrock output fit, matching a list of DESI spectra. Parameters ---------- redrockfile : :class:`str`, filename for the detailed Redrock output file (.h5 file) spectra : :class:`~desispec.spectra.Spectra` Nfit : :class:`int`, optional Number of best-fits to store in output Table. By default, store all fits available in the detailed Redrock file Returns ------- :class:`~astropy.table.Table` Table with the following columns: TARGETID, CHI2, DELTACHI2, COEFF, Z, ZERR, ZWARN, SPECTYPE, SUBTYPE. The rows are matched to spectra's TARGETIDs Raises ------ RuntimeError If a set of Nfit rows in redrockfile is not found matching each of spectra's TARGETIDs """ assert _redrock_imported dummy, rr_table = redrock.results.read_zscan(redrockfile) rr_targets = rr_table['targetid'] if Nfit is None: ww, = np.where( (rr_targets == rr_targets[0]) ) Nfit = len(ww) nbasis_tmplt = rr_table['coeff'].shape[1] matched_redrock_cat = Table( dtype=[('TARGETID', '<i8'), ('CHI2', '<f8', (Nfit,)), ('DELTACHI2', '<f8', (Nfit,)), ('COEFF', '<f8', (Nfit,nbasis_tmplt,)), ('Z', '<f8', (Nfit,)), ('ZERR', '<f8', (Nfit,)), ('ZWARN', '<i8', (Nfit,)), ('SPECTYPE', '<U6', (Nfit,)), ('SUBTYPE', '<U2', (Nfit,))]) for i_spec in range(spectra.num_spectra()): ww, = np.where((rr_targets == spectra.fibermap['TARGETID'][i_spec])) if len(ww)<Nfit : raise RuntimeError("Redrock table cannot match spectra with "+str(Nfit)+" best fits") ind = np.argsort(rr_table[ww]['chi2'])[0:Nfit] # Sort fit results by chi2 (independently of spectype) sub_table = rr_table[ww][ind] the_entry = [ spectra.fibermap['TARGETID'][i_spec] ] for redrock_key in ['chi2', 'deltachi2', 'coeff', 'z', 'zerr', 'zwarn', 'spectype', 'subtype']: the_entry.append(sub_table[redrock_key]) matched_redrock_cat.add_row(the_entry) return matched_redrock_cat
[docs]def create_zcat_from_redrock_cat(redrock_cat, fit_num=0): """ Extract a catalog with unique redshift fits from a redrock catalog containing several fit results per TARGETID Parameters ---------- redrock_cat : :class:`~astropy.table.Table` Catalog with rows as defined in `match_rrdetails_to_spectra()` fit_num : :class:`int`, optional The (fit_num)th fit in redrock_cat is extracted (default: 0 ie. redrock's best fit) Returns ------- :class:`~astropy.table.Table` Table with the following columns: TARGETID, CHI2, COEFF, Z, ZERR, ZWARN, SPECTYPE, SUBTYPE, DELTACHI2. """ rr_cat_num_best_fits = redrock_cat['Z'].shape[1] if (fit_num >= rr_cat_num_best_fits): raise ValueError("fit_num too large wrt redrock_cat") nbasis_tmplt = redrock_cat['COEFF'].shape[1] zcat_dtype=[('TARGETID', '<i8'), ('CHI2', '<f8'), ('COEFF', '<f8', (nbasis_tmplt,)), ('Z', '<f8'), ('ZERR', '<f8'), ('ZWARN', '<i8'), ('SPECTYPE', '<U6'), ('SUBTYPE', '<U2'), ('DELTACHI2', '<f8')] zcat_out = Table( data=np.zeros(len(redrock_cat), dtype=zcat_dtype) ) zcat_out['TARGETID'] = redrock_cat['TARGETID'] for key in ['CHI2', 'DELTACHI2', 'COEFF', 'SPECTYPE', 'SUBTYPE', 'Z', 'ZERR', 'ZWARN']: zcat_out[key] = redrock_cat[key][:,fit_num] return zcat_out
def get_subset_label(subset, dirtree_type): if dirtree_type=='cumulative': label = 'thru'+subset elif dirtree_type=='perexp': label = 'exp'+subset elif dirtree_type=='pernight': label = subset elif dirtree_type=='exposures': label = subset elif dirtree_type=='healpix': label = subset else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized value for dirtree_type.") return label
[docs]def create_subsetdb(datadir, dirtree_type=None, spectra_type='coadd', tiles=None, nights=None, expids=None, survey_program=None, petals=None, pixels=None, with_zcat=True): """Create a 'mini-db' of DESI spectra files, in a given directory tree. Supports tile-, exposure- and healpix-based directory trees for daily, andes, ... to iron. This routine parses directory trees, but does not open any file: it just checks they exist. Parameters ---------- datadir : :class:`string` Base directory, eg. /global/cfs/cdirs/desi/spectro/redux/iron/healpix dirtree_type : :class:`string` The directory tree and file names must be as listed in the notes below. spectra_type : :class:`string`, optional [c/s]frames are only supported when dirtree_type='exposures' petals : :class:`list`, optional Filter a list of petal numbers. tiles : :class:`list`, optional Filter a list of tiles. nights : :class:`list`, optional Filter a list of nights (only if dirtree_type='pernight' or 'exposures'). expids : :class:`list`, optional Filter a list of exposures (only if dirtree_type='perexp' or 'exposures'). survey_program : :class:`list`, optional Filter a [survey, program], only if dirtree_type='healpix'. pixels : :class:`list`, optional Filter a list of Healpix pixels (only if dirtree_type='healpix'). with_zcat : :class:`bool`, optional If True, filter spectra for which a 'redrock' (or 'zbest') fits file exists at the same location. Returns ------- :class:`dict` Content of the 'mini-db': - if dirtree_type='healpix': [ {'dataset':(survey, program), 'subset':'pixel', 'petals':[None]}] - if dirtree_type='exposures': [ {'dataset':night, 'subset':expid, 'petals':[list of petals]}] - if dirtree_type='perexp': [ {'dataset':tile, 'subset':expid, 'petals':[list of petals]}] - else: [ {'dataset':tile, 'subset':night, 'petals':[list of petals]}] Notes ----- * `dirtree_type` must be one of the following: - ``dirtree_type='healpix'``: ``{datadir}/{survey}/{program}/{pixel//100}/{pixel}/{spectra_type}-{survey}-{program}-{pixel}.fits`` - ``dirtree_type='pernight'``: ``{datadir}/{tileid}/{night}/{spectra_type}-{petal}-{tile}-{night}.fits`` - ``dirtree_type='perexp'``: ``{datadir}/{tileid}/{expid}/{spectra_type}-{petal}-{tile}-exp{expid}.fits`` - ``dirtree_type='cumulative'``: ``{datadir}/{tileid}/{night}/{spectra_type}-{petal}-{tile}-thru{night}.fits`` - ``dirtree_type='exposures'``: ``{datadir}/{night}/{expid}/{spectra_type}-{band}{petal}-{expid}.fits`` - Note that 'perexp' and 'exposures' are different. - To use blanc/cascades 'all' (resp 'deep') coadds, use dirtree_type='pernight' and nights=['all'] (resp ['deep']). - Extensions can be fits or fits.gz """ if ( (nights is not None and dirtree_type!='pernight' and dirtree_type!='exposures') or (expids is not None and dirtree_type!='perexp' and dirtree_type!='exposures') ): raise ValueError('Nights/expids option is incompatible with dirtree_type.') if (pixels is not None or survey_program is not None) and dirtree_type!='healpix': raise ValueError('Pixels/survey_program option is incompatible with dirtree_type.') if dirtree_type == 'exposures': if spectra_type not in ['frame', 'cframe', 'sframe']: raise ValueError('Unsupported spectra_type: '+spectra_type) if with_zcat: raise ValueError('Cannot filter redrock/zbest files when dirtree_type=exposures') else: if spectra_type not in ['coadd', 'spectra']: raise ValueError('Unsupported spectra_type: '+spectra_type) if petals is None: petals = [str(i) for i in range(10)] #- 'datasets': first level in the explored directory tree if dirtree_type == 'healpix': #- in that case it's two levels survey/program if survey_program is not None: if len(survey_program)!=2: raise ValueError('Argument survey_program: wrong length.') datasets = [ (survey_program[0], survey_program[1]) ] if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(datadir, survey_program[0], survey_program[1])): raise RuntimeError('survey_program not found in directory tree.') else: datasets = [] for survey in os.listdir(datadir): for program in os.listdir(os.path.join(datadir, survey)): datasets.append((survey, program)) else: if dirtree_type == 'exposures': datasets = nights else: datasets = tiles if datasets is None: datasets = os.listdir(datadir) else : if not all(x in os.listdir(datadir) for x in datasets): raise RuntimeError('Some tile[s]/nights[s] were not found in directory tree.') subsetdb = list() for dataset in datasets: #- 'subsets': second level in the explored directory tree if dirtree_type == 'healpix': #- in that case it's two levels pixelgroup/pixel all_subsets = [] for pixelgroup in os.listdir(os.path.join(datadir, dataset[0], dataset[1])): all_subsets.extend(os.listdir(os.path.join(datadir, dataset[0], dataset[1], pixelgroup))) else: all_subsets = os.listdir(os.path.join(datadir, dataset)) if (nights is not None) and (dirtree_type!='exposures'): all_subsets = [ x for x in all_subsets if x in nights ] elif expids is not None: all_subsets = [ x for x in all_subsets if x in expids ] elif pixels is not None: all_subsets = [ x for x in all_subsets if x in pixels ] else: #- No subset selection, but we discard subdirectories with non-decimal names all_subsets = [ x for x in all_subsets if x.isdecimal() ] for subset in all_subsets: if dirtree_type == 'healpix': nside = 64 # dummy, currently subset_dir = os.path.join(datadir, dataset[0], dataset[1], healpix_subdirectory(nside, int(subset))) file_label = '-'.join([dataset[0], dataset[1], subset]) spectra_fname = file_or_gz( os.path.join(subset_dir, spectra_type+'-'+file_label+'.fits') ) redrock_fname = file_or_gz( os.path.join(subset_dir, 'redrock-'+file_label+'.fits') ) zbest_fname = file_or_gz( os.path.join(subset_dir, 'zbest-'+file_label+'.fits') # pre-everest nomenclature ) if os.path.isfile(spectra_fname) and ( (not with_zcat) or os.path.isfile(zbest_fname) or os.path.isfile(redrock_fname)): subsetdb.append( {'dataset':dataset, 'subset':subset, 'petals':[None]} ) else: existing_petals = [] for petal in petals: subset_label = get_subset_label(subset, dirtree_type) if dirtree_type == 'exposures': spectra_fnames = [ file_or_gz(os.path.join(datadir, dataset, subset, spectra_type+'-'+band+petal+'-'+subset_label+'.fits')) for band in ['b', 'r', 'z'] ] if all([os.path.isfile(x) for x in spectra_fnames]): existing_petals.append(petal) else: file_label = '-'.join([petal, dataset, subset_label]) spectra_fname = file_or_gz( os.path.join(datadir, dataset, subset, spectra_type+'-'+file_label+'.fits') ) redrock_fname = file_or_gz( os.path.join(datadir, dataset, subset, 'redrock-'+file_label+'.fits') ) zbest_fname = file_or_gz( os.path.join(datadir, dataset, subset, 'zbest-'+file_label+'.fits') # pre-everest nomenclature ) if os.path.isfile(spectra_fname) and ( (not with_zcat) or os.path.isfile(zbest_fname) or os.path.isfile(redrock_fname)): existing_petals.append(petal) if len(existing_petals)>0: subsetdb.append( {'dataset':dataset, 'subset':subset, 'petals':existing_petals} ) return subsetdb
[docs]def create_targetdb(datadir, subsetdb, dirtree_type=None): """Create a "mini-db" of DESI targetids. To do so, `redrock` (or `zbest`) fits files are read (faster than reading spectra). Parameters ---------- datadir : :class:`string` No description provided. subsetdb: :class:`list` List of spectra subsets, as produced by `create_subsetdb`. Format: [ {'dataset':dataset, 'subset':subset, 'petal':petal} ] dirtree_type : :class:`string` See documentation in `create_subsetdb`. dirtree_type='exposures' is not supported here (no redrock file available in that case). Tile-based directory trees for daily, andes, ... to everest are supported. Healpix-based directory tree supported for everest. Returns ------- :class:`dict` Content of the "mini-db": { (dataset, subset, petal): [list of TARGETIDs] } where dataset is a tile, night, or a (survey, program) tuple; subset is a night, expid or pixel; and petal is None when dirtree_type=healpix. """ if dirtree_type=='exposures': raise ValueError("dirtree_type='exposures' is not supported in `create_targetdb`") targetdb = dict() for the_entry in subsetdb: subset_label = get_subset_label(the_entry['subset'], dirtree_type) for petal in the_entry['petals']: if dirtree_type == 'healpix': nside = 64 # dummy, currently subset_dir = os.path.join(datadir, the_entry['dataset'][0], the_entry['dataset'][1], healpix_subdirectory(nside, int(the_entry['subset']))) file_label = '-'.join([the_entry['dataset'][0], the_entry['dataset'][1], subset_label]) else: subset_dir = os.path.join(datadir, the_entry['dataset'], the_entry['subset']) file_label = '-'.join([petal, the_entry['dataset'], subset_label]) fname = file_or_gz(os.path.join(subset_dir, 'redrock-'+file_label+'.fits')) hduname = 'REDSHIFTS' if not os.path.isfile(fname): # pre-everest Redrock file nomenclature fname = file_or_gz(os.path.join(subset_dir, 'zbest-'+file_label+'.fits')) hduname = 'ZBEST' targetids = np.unique(, hduname)['TARGETID']) targetdb[ (the_entry['dataset'], the_entry['subset'], petal) ] = np.array(targetids, dtype='int64') return targetdb
[docs]def load_spectra_zcat_from_targets(targetids, datadir, targetdb, dirtree_type=None, with_redrock_details=False, with_redrock_version=True): """Get spectra, redshift catalog and optional detailed Redrock catalog matched to a set of DESI TARGETIDs. This works using a "mini-db" of targetids, as returned by `create_targetdb()`. The outputs of this utility can be used directly by `viewer.plotspectra()`, to inspect a given list of targetids. Output spectra/catalog(s) are sorted according to the input target list. When several spectra are available for a given TARGETID, they are all included in the output, in random order. Parameters ---------- targetids : :class:`list` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` List of TARGETIDs, must be int64. datadir : :class:`string` No description provided. dirtree_type : :class:`string` The directory tree and file names must match the types listed in the notes below. targetdb : :class:`dict` Content of the "mini-db": { (dataset, subset, petal): [list of TARGETIDs] }, see `create_targetdb()`. with_redrock_details : :class:`bool`, optional If `True`, detailed Redrock output files (.h5 files) are also read with_redrock_version : :class:`bool`, optional If `True`, a column 'RRVER' is appended to the output redshift catalog, as given by HDU0 in `redrock`/`zbest` files. This is used by `viewer.plotspectra()` to track Redrock version in visual inspection files. Returns ------- :func:`tuple` If with_redrock_details is `False` (default), returns (spectra, zcat), where spectra is `~desispec.spectra.Spectra` and zcat is `~astropy.table.Table`. If with_redrock_details is `True`, returns (spectra, zcat, redrockcat) where redrockcat is `~astropy.table.Table`. Notes ----- * `dirtree_type` must be one of the following, for "coadd", "redrock"/"zbest" (.fits/.fits.gz), and "rrdetails"/"redrock" (.h5) files: - ``dirtree_type='healpix'``: ``{datadir}/{survey}/{program}/{pixel//100}/{pixel}/redrock-{survey}-{program}-{pixel}.fits`` - ``dirtree_type='pernight'``: ``{datadir}/{tileid}/{night}/redrock-{petal}-{tile}-{night}.fits`` - ``dirtree_type='perexp'``: ``{datadir}/{tileid}/{expid}/redrock-{petal}-{tile}-exp{expid}.fits`` - ``dirtree_type='cumulative'``: ``{datadir}/{tileid}/{night}/redrock-{petal}-{tile}-thru{night}.fits`` - To use blanc/cascades 'all' (resp 'deep') coadds, use dirtree_type='pernight' and nights=['all'] (resp 'deep') """ targetids = np.asarray(targetids) if targetids.dtype not in ['int64', 'i8', '>i8']: raise TypeError('TARGETIDs should be int64') spectra = None ztables, rrtables = [], [] for dataset, subset, petal in targetdb.keys(): targets_subset = set(targetdb[dataset, subset, petal]) targets_subset = targets_subset.intersection(set(targetids)) # Load spectra for that tile-subset-petal only if one or more target(s) are in the list if len(targets_subset)>0 : subset_label = get_subset_label(subset, dirtree_type) if dirtree_type == 'healpix': nside = 64 # dummy, currently the_path = os.path.join(datadir, dataset[0], dataset[1], healpix_subdirectory(nside, int(subset))) file_label = '-'.join([dataset[0], dataset[1], subset_label]) else: the_path = os.path.join(datadir, dataset, subset) file_label = '-'.join([petal, dataset, subset_label]) the_spec =, "coadd-"+file_label+".fits"), single=True) the_spec = if file_or_gz_exists(os.path.join(the_path, "redrock-"+file_label+".fits")): redrock_is_pre_everest = False the_zcat =, "redrock-"+file_label+".fits")), 'REDSHIFTS') else: # pre-everest Redrock file nomenclature redrock_is_pre_everest = True the_zcat =, "zbest-"+file_label+".fits")), 'ZBEST') if hasattr(the_zcat['SUBTYPE'], 'mask'): # work around Table auto-masking in astropy 5 blanksubtype = the_zcat['SUBTYPE'].mask the_zcat['SUBTYPE'][blanksubtype] = '' if with_redrock_version: if redrock_is_pre_everest: hdulist =, "zbest-"+file_label+".fits"))) else: hdulist =, "redrock-"+file_label+".fits"))) the_zcat['RRVER'] = hdulist[hdulist.index_of('PRIMARY')].header['RRVER'] the_zcat = match_catalog_to_spectra(the_zcat, the_spec) ztables.append(the_zcat) if with_redrock_details: if redrock_is_pre_everest: rrfile = os.path.join(the_path, "redrock-"+file_label+".h5") else: rrfile = os.path.join(the_path, "rrdetails-"+file_label+".h5") the_rrcat = match_rrdetails_to_spectra(rrfile, the_spec, Nfit=None) rrtables.append(the_rrcat) if spectra is None: spectra = the_spec else: #- Still use update() instead of stack(), to handle case when fibermaps differ in different files. spectra.update(the_spec) #- Sort according to input target list. Check if all targets were found in spectra tids_spectra = spectra.fibermap['TARGETID'] sorted_indices = [] for target in targetids: w, = np.where(tids_spectra == target) sorted_indices.extend(w) if len(w)==0: print("Warning! TARGETID not found:", target) assert(len(tids_spectra)==len(sorted_indices)) # check, should always be true spectra = spectra[ sorted_indices ] zcat = vstack(ztables) zcat = zcat[ sorted_indices ] if with_redrock_details: rrcat = vstack(rrtables) rrcat = rrcat[ sorted_indices ] return (spectra, zcat, rrcat) else: return (spectra, zcat)
[docs]def frames2spectra(frames, nspec=None, startspec=None, with_scores=False, with_resolution_data=False): """Convert list of frames into DESI Spectra object Parameters ---------- frames : :class:`list` A list of :class:`~desispec.frame.Frame`. nspec : :class:`int`, optional No description provided. startspec : :class:`int`, optional If nspec is set, only spectra in range [startspec:nspec+startspec] are kept with_scores : :class:`bool`, optional If `True`, include merged scores from input frames with_resolution_data : :class:`bool`, optional If `True`, include frames.resolution_data Returns ------- :class:`~desispec.spectra.Spectra` No description provided. """ bands = list() wave = dict() flux = dict() ivar = dict() mask = dict() res = dict() for fr in frames: fibermap = fr.fibermap band = fr.meta['CAMERA'][0] bands.append(band) wave[band] = fr.wave flux[band] = fr.flux ivar[band] = fr.ivar mask[band] = fr.mask res[band] = fr.resolution_data if nspec is not None : if startspec is None : startspec = 0 flux[band] = flux[band][startspec:nspec+startspec] ivar[band] = ivar[band][startspec:nspec+startspec] mask[band] = mask[band][startspec:nspec+startspec] res[band] = res[band][startspec:nspec+startspec,:,:] fibermap = fr.fibermap[startspec:nspec+startspec] merged_scores = None if with_scores : list_scores = [] for i in range(len(frames)): #- This works for both ndarray and fits_REC input scores list_scores.append(Table(frames[i].scores)) merged_scores = hstack(list_scores) if not with_resolution_data : res = None spectra = desispec.spectra.Spectra( bands, wave, flux, ivar, mask, fibermap=fibermap, meta=dict(fr.meta), scores=merged_scores, resolution_data=res ) return spectra
[docs]def metadata_selection(spectra, mask=None, mask_type=None, gmag_range=None, rmag_range=None, chi2_range=None, snr_range=None, clean_fiberstatus=False, select_bad_fiberstatus=False, with_dirty_mask_merge=False, zcat=None, log=None, return_index=False): """Simple selection of DESI spectra based on various metadata. Filtering based on the logical AND of requested selection criteria. Note: use X_range=[min, None] to filter X > min, X_range=[None, max] to filter X < max Parameters ---------- spectra : :class:`~desispec.spectra.Spectra` No description provided. mask : :class:`string`, optional DESI targeting mask to select, eg 'ELG'. Requires to set mask_type. mask_type : :class:`string`, optional DESI targeting mask category, currently supported: 'DESI_TARGET', 'BGS_TARGET', 'MWS_TARGET', 'SECONDARY_TARGET', 'CMX_TARGET', 'SV[1/2/3]_DESI_TARGET', 'SV[1/2/3]_BGS_TARGET', 'SV[1/2/3]_MWS_TARGET', 'SV[1/2/3]_SCND_TARGET'. with_dirty_mask_merge : :class:`bool`, optional Option for specific targeting mask selection in early CMX data, see code... gmag_range : :class:`list` g magnitude range to select, gmag_range = [gmag_min, gmag_max] rmag_range : :class:`list` r magnitude range to select, rmag_range = [rmag_min, rmag_max] snr_range : :class:`list` SNR range to select, snr_range = [snr_min, snr_max]. This filter applies on all B, R and Z bands, from scores.MEDIAN_COADD_SNR_band, or scores.MEDIAN_CALIB_SNR_band if the former is not found. chi2_range : :class:`list` chi2 range to select, chi2_range = [chi2_min, chi2_max]. Requires to set zcat. clean_fiberstatus : :class:`bool` if True, remove spectra with FIBERSTATUS!=0 or COADD_FIBERSTATUS!=0 select_bad_fiberstatus : :class:`bool` if True, select only spectra with FIBERSTATUS!=0 or COADD_FIBERSTATUS!=0 zcat : :class:`~astropy.table.Table` catalog with chi2 information, must be matched to spectra (needed for chi2_range filter). log : optional log. return_index (bool): if True, also return the indices of selected spectra. Returns ------- :class:`~desispec.spectra.Spectra` Selected spectra. If no spectra are selected, returns None If return_index is ``True``, returns (selected spectra, array of selected indices) """ keep = np.ones(len(spectra.fibermap), bool) #- SNR selection if (snr_range is not None) and (snr_range!=[None, None]): #- If a bound is set to None, replace by +-np.inf if snr_range[0]==None: snr_range[0] = -np.inf if snr_range[1]==None: snr_range[1] = np.inf if len(snr_range)!=2 or snr_range[1]<snr_range[0]: raise ValueError("Wrong input snr_range") if spectra.scores is None: raise RuntimeError('No scores in spectra: cannot select on SNR') snr_var = 'MEDIAN_COADD_SNR' if snr_var+'_B' not in spectra.scores.keys(): snr_var = 'MEDIAN_CALIB_SNR' for band in ['B','R','Z'] : keep_snr = ( (spectra.scores[snr_var+'_'+band]>snr_range[0]) & (spectra.scores[snr_var+'_'+band]<snr_range[1]) ) if np.all(~keep_snr) and log is not None:" * No spectra with MEDIAN_CALIB_SNR_"+band+" in requested range") keep = ( keep & keep_snr ) #- Target mask selection if mask is not None : if not _desitarget_imported: raise RuntimeError('desitarget not imported: cannot select on targeting mask') if mask_type not in spectra.fibermap.keys(): mask_candidates = [x for x in spectra.fibermap.keys() if '_TARGET' in x] raise ValueError(mask_type+" is not in spectra.fibermap.\n Hints of available masks: "+(' '.join(mask_candidates))) mask_used = supported_desitarget_masks[mask_type] if mask not in mask_used.names(): raise ValueError("requested mask "+mask+" does not match mask_type "+mask_type) keep_mask = (spectra.fibermap[mask_type] & mask_used[mask]) > 0 # boolean array if mask_type == 'CMX_TARGET' and with_dirty_mask_merge: #- Self-explanatory... only for fast VI of minisv mask2 = None if mask in ['SV0_QSO', 'SV0_ELG', 'SV0_LRG']: mask2 = mask.replace('SV0','MINI_SV') if mask == 'SV0_BGS': mask2 = 'MINI_SV_BGS_BRIGHT' if mask in ['SV0_STD_FAINT', 'SV0_STD_BRIGHT']: mask2 = mask.replace('SV0_','') if mask2 is not None: keep_mask = ( (spectra.fibermap[mask_type] & mask_used[mask]) | (spectra.fibermap[mask_type] & mask_used[mask2]) ) > 0 if np.all(~keep_mask) and log is not None:" * No spectra with mask "+mask) keep = ( keep & keep_mask ) #- Photometry selection if (gmag_range is not None) and (gmag_range!=[None, None]): if gmag_range[0]==None: gmag_range[0] = -np.inf if gmag_range[1]==None: gmag_range[1] = np.inf if len(gmag_range)!=2 or gmag_range[1]<gmag_range[0]: raise ValueError("Wrong input gmag_range") gmag = np.zeros(spectra.num_spectra()) w, = np.where( (spectra.fibermap['FLUX_G']>0) ) gmag[w] = -2.5*np.log10(spectra.fibermap['FLUX_G'][w])+22.5 if 'MW_TRANSMISSION_G' in spectra.fibermap.keys(): w, = np.where( (spectra.fibermap['FLUX_G']>0) & (spectra.fibermap['MW_TRANSMISSION_G']>0) ) gmag[w] = -2.5*np.log10(spectra.fibermap['FLUX_G'][w]/spectra.fibermap['MW_TRANSMISSION_G'][w])+22.5 keep_gmag = ( (gmag>gmag_range[0]) & (gmag<gmag_range[1]) ) if np.all(~keep_gmag) and log is not None:" * No spectra with g_mag in requested range") keep = ( keep & keep_gmag ) if (rmag_range is not None) and (rmag_range!=[None, None]): if rmag_range[0]==None: rmag_range[0] = -np.inf if rmag_range[1]==None: rmag_range[1] = np.inf if len(rmag_range)!=2 or rmag_range[1]<rmag_range[0]: raise ValueError("Wrong input rmag_range") rmag = np.zeros(spectra.num_spectra()) w, = np.where( (spectra.fibermap['FLUX_R']>0) ) rmag[w] = -2.5*np.log10(spectra.fibermap['FLUX_R'][w])+22.5 if 'MW_TRANSMISSION_R' in spectra.fibermap.keys(): w, = np.where( (spectra.fibermap['FLUX_R']>0) & (spectra.fibermap['MW_TRANSMISSION_R']>0) ) rmag[w] = -2.5*np.log10(spectra.fibermap['FLUX_R'][w]/spectra.fibermap['MW_TRANSMISSION_R'][w])+22.5 keep_rmag = ( (rmag>rmag_range[0]) & (rmag<rmag_range[1]) ) if np.all(~keep_rmag) and log is not None:" * No spectra with r_mag in requested range") keep = ( keep & keep_rmag ) #- Chi2 selection if (chi2_range is not None) and (chi2_range!=[None, None]): if chi2_range[0]==None: chi2_range[0] = -np.inf if chi2_range[1]==None: chi2_range[1] = np.inf if len(chi2_range)!=2 or chi2_range[1]<chi2_range[0]: raise ValueError("Wrong input chi2_range") if np.any(zcat['TARGETID'] != spectra.fibermap['TARGETID']) : raise RuntimeError('zcat and spectra do not match (different targetids)') keep_chi2 = ( (zcat['DELTACHI2']>chi2_range[0]) & (zcat['DELTACHI2']<chi2_range[1]) ) if np.all(~keep_chi2) and log is not None:" * No target in this pixel with DeltaChi2 in requested range") keep = ( keep & keep_chi2 ) #- Fiberstatus selection if clean_fiberstatus: if 'FIBERSTATUS' in spectra.fibermap.keys(): keep = ( keep & (spectra.fibermap['FIBERSTATUS']==0) ) elif 'COADD_FIBERSTATUS' in spectra.fibermap.keys(): keep = ( keep & (spectra.fibermap['COADD_FIBERSTATUS']==0) ) if select_bad_fiberstatus: # A very, very specific choice, for debugging. if clean_fiberstatus: raise ValueError('Cannot have both select_bad_fiberstatus and clean_fiberstatus.') if 'FIBERSTATUS' in spectra.fibermap.keys(): keep = ( keep & (spectra.fibermap['FIBERSTATUS']!=0) ) elif 'COADD_FIBERSTATUS' in spectra.fibermap.keys(): keep = ( keep & (spectra.fibermap['COADD_FIBERSTATUS']!=0) ) #- Return None instead of an empty slice if no spectra is selected if np.all(~keep): if return_index: return (None, np.array([], dtype='int64')) return None if return_index: list_indices, = np.where(keep) return (spectra[keep], list_indices) return spectra[keep]
[docs]def _coadd(wave, flux, ivar, rdat): '''Return weighted coadd of spectra Parameters ---------- wave : array-like 1D[nwave] array of wavelengths. flux : array-like 2D[nspec, nwave] array of flux densities. ivar : array-like 2D[nspec, nwave] array of inverse variances of `flux`. rdat : array-like 3D[nspec, ndiag, nwave] sparse diagonals of resolution matrix. Returns ------- :class:`tuple` The coadded spectrum (wave, outflux, outivar, outrdat). ''' nspec, nwave = flux.shape unweightedflux = np.zeros(nwave, dtype=flux.dtype) weightedflux = np.zeros(nwave, dtype=flux.dtype) weights = np.zeros(nwave, dtype=flux.dtype) outrdat = np.zeros(rdat[0].shape, dtype=rdat.dtype) for i in range(nspec): unweightedflux += flux[i] weightedflux += flux[i] * ivar[i] weights += ivar[i] outrdat += rdat[i] * ivar[i] isbad = (weights == 0) outflux = weightedflux / (weights + isbad) outflux[isbad] = unweightedflux[isbad] / nspec outrdat /= (weights + isbad) outivar = weights return wave, outflux, outivar, outrdat
[docs]def coadd_targets(spectra, targetids=None): ''' Coadds individual exposures of the same targets; returns new Spectra object Parameters ---------- spectra : :class:`desispec.spectra.Spectra` targetids : array-like, optional Subset of target IDs to keep. Returns ------- :class:`desispec.spectra.Spectra` Where individual spectra of each target have been combined into a single spectrumper camera. Notes ----- Coadds per camera but not across cameras. ''' if targetids is None: targetids = spectra.target_ids() #- Create output arrays to fill ntargets = spectra.num_targets() wave = dict() flux = dict() ivar = dict() rdat = dict() if spectra.mask is None: mask = None else: mask = dict() for channel in spectra.bands: wave[channel] = spectra.wave[channel].copy() nwave = len(wave[channel]) flux[channel] = np.zeros((ntargets, nwave)) ivar[channel] = np.zeros((ntargets, nwave)) ndiag = spectra.resolution_data[channel].shape[1] rdat[channel] = np.zeros((ntargets, ndiag, nwave)) if mask is not None: mask[channel] = np.zeros((ntargets, nwave), dtype=spectra.mask[channel].dtype) #- Loop over targets, coadding all spectra for each target fibermap = Table(dtype=spectra.fibermap.dtype) for i, targetid in enumerate(targetids): ii = np.where(spectra.fibermap['TARGETID'] == targetid)[0] fibermap.add_row(spectra.fibermap[ii[0]]) for channel in spectra.bands: if len(ii) > 1: outwave, outflux, outivar, outrdat = _coadd( spectra.wave[channel], spectra.flux[channel][ii], spectra.ivar[channel][ii], spectra.resolution_data[channel][ii] ) if mask is not None: outmask = spectra.mask[channel][ii[0]] for j in range(1, len(ii)): outmask |= spectra.mask[channel][ii[j]] else: outwave, outflux, outivar, outrdat = ( spectra.wave[channel], spectra.flux[channel][ii[0]], spectra.ivar[channel][ii[0]], spectra.resolution_data[channel][ii[0]] ) if mask is not None: outmask = spectra.mask[channel][ii[0]] flux[channel][i] = outflux ivar[channel][i] = outivar rdat[channel][i] = outrdat if mask is not None: mask[channel][i] = outmask return desispec.spectra.Spectra(spectra.bands, wave, flux, ivar, mask=mask, resolution_data=rdat, fibermap=fibermap, meta=spectra.meta)