Source code for prospect.viewer

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Run a spectral viewer (plot spectra and show widgets).

Spectra can be:

- DESI Spectra or Frames,
- `specutils`_-compatible objects (see :mod:`prospect.specutils` for objects and IO routines).

.. _`specutils`:


import os, sys
from pkg_resources import resource_filename

import numpy as np
from import MaskedConstant
import scipy.ndimage.filters

from astropy.table import Table

import bokeh.plotting as bk
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, CDSView, IndexFilter
from bokeh.models import CustomJS, LabelSet, Label, Span, Legend, Panel, Tabs, BoxAnnotation
from bokeh.models.widgets import (
    Slider, Button, Div, CheckboxGroup, CheckboxButtonGroup, RadioButtonGroup,
    TextInput, Select, DataTable, TableColumn, Toggle)
import bokeh.layouts as bl

_specutils_imported = True
    from specutils import Spectrum1D, SpectrumList
except ImportError:
    _specutils_imported = False

_desispec_imported = True
    import desispec.spectra
    import desispec.frame
    from desispec.interpolation import resample_flux
except ImportError:
    _desispec_imported = False

_redrock_imported = True
    import redrock.templates
    from redrock.archetypes import All_archetypes
except ImportError:
    _redrock_imported = False

from ..utilities import frames2spectra, create_zcat_from_redrock_cat, load_redrock_templates
from .cds import ViewerCDS
from .plots import ViewerPlots
from .widgets import ViewerWidgets
from .vi_widgets import ViewerVIWidgets
from .layouts import ViewerLayout, StandaloneThumbLayout

[docs]def create_model(spectra, zcat, archetype_fit=False, archetypes_dir=None, template_dir=None): ''' Returns model_wave[nwave], model_flux[nspec, nwave], row matched to zcat, which can be in a different order than spectra. - zcat must be entry-matched to spectra. ''' assert _redrock_imported assert _desispec_imported # for resample_flux if np.any(zcat['TARGETID'] != spectra.fibermap['TARGETID']) : raise ValueError('zcatalog and spectra do not match (different targetids)') if archetype_fit: archetypes = All_archetypes(archetypes_dir=archetypes_dir).archetypes else: templates = load_redrock_templates(template_dir=template_dir) #- Empty model flux arrays per band to fill model_flux = dict() for band in spectra.bands: model_flux[band] = np.zeros(spectra.flux[band].shape) for i in range(len(zcat)): zb = zcat[i] if archetype_fit: archetype = archetypes[zb['SPECTYPE']] coeff = zb['COEFF'] for band in spectra.bands: wave = spectra.wave[band] wavehash = hash((len(wave), wave[0], wave[1], wave[-2], wave[-1], spectra.R[band].data.shape[0])) dwave = {wavehash: wave} mx = archetype.eval(zb['SUBTYPE'], dwave, coeff, wave, zb['Z']) * (1+zb['Z']) model_flux[band][i] = spectra.R[band][i].dot(mx) else: if isinstance(zb['SUBTYPE'], MaskedConstant): subtype = zcat['SUBTYPE'][i].decode('utf-8') else: subtype = zb['SUBTYPE'] tx = templates[(zb['SPECTYPE'], subtype)] coeff = zb['COEFF'][0:tx.nbasis] model = for band in spectra.bands: mx = resample_flux(spectra.wave[band], tx.wave*(1+zb['Z']), model) model_flux[band][i] = spectra.R[band][i].dot(mx) #- Combine, if needed, to a single wavelength grid across all cameras # The following works for any given set of bands keep = dict() meanwaves = [ np.mean(spectra.wave[band]) for band in spectra.bands] # sort bands by increasing wave sorted_bands = [ x for _,x in sorted(zip(meanwaves, spectra.bands)) ] for i_band, band in enumerate(sorted_bands): wavecut_low = 0 wavecut_up = 1.e10 if i_band>0: band_low = sorted_bands[i_band-1] wavecut_low = 0.5*(spectra.wave[band_low][-1] + spectra.wave[band][0]) if i_band<len(sorted_bands)-1: band_up = sorted_bands[i_band+1] wavecut_up = 0.5*(spectra.wave[band][-1] + spectra.wave[band_up][0]) keep[band] = (spectra.wave[band]>wavecut_low) & (spectra.wave[band]<wavecut_up) model_wave = np.concatenate( [ spectra.wave[band][keep[band]] for band in sorted_bands ] ) mflux = np.concatenate( [ model_flux[band][:, keep[band]] for band in sorted_bands ], axis=1) return model_wave, mflux
[docs]def plotspectra(spectra, zcatalog=None, redrock_cat=None, notebook=False, html_dir=None, outfile=None, title=None, colors=None, with_imaging=True, with_noise=True, with_thumb_tab=True, with_vi_widgets=True, top_metadata=None, vi_countdown=-1, with_thumb_only_page=False, with_coaddcam=True, mask_type='DESI_TARGET', model_from_zcat=True, model=None, with_other_model=True, num_approx_fits=None, with_full_2ndfit=True, template_dir=None, archetype_fit=False, archetypes_dir=None, std_template_file=None): '''Main prospect routine. From a set of spectra, creates a bokeh document used for VI, to be displayed as an HTML page or within a Jupyter notebook. Parameters ---------- spectra : :class:`~desispec.spectra.Spectra` or :class:`~specutils.Spectrum1D` or :class:`~specutils.SpectrumList` or list of :class:`~desispec.frame.Frame` Input spectra. :class:`~specutils.Spectrum1D` are assumed to be SDSS/BOSS/eBOSS. Otherwise DESI spectra or frames is assumed. zcatalog : :class:`~astropy.table.Table`, optional Redshift values, matched one-to-one with the input spectra. redrock_cat : :class:`~astropy.table.Table`, optional Redrock output (as defined in :func:`~prospect.utilities.match_rrdetails_to_spectra`). Entries must be matched one-by-one (in order) to spectra. notebook : :class:`bool`, optional If ``True``, bokeh outputs the viewer to a Jupyter notebook. html_dir : :class:`str`, optional Directory to store the HTML page if `notebook` is ``False``. outfile : :class:`str`, optional Output filename to write, including path title : :class:`str`, optional Title used to name the HTML page / the bokeh figure / the VI file. colors : :class:`list`, optional Customize the curve's colors: 3 colors should be given, associated respectively to the coadded data, the model and the noise. with_imaging : :class:`bool`, optional If ``False``, don't include thumb image from with_noise : :class:`bool`, optional If ``False``, don't include uncertainty for each spectrum. with_thumb_tab : :class:`bool`, optional If ``False``, don't include a tab with spectra thumbnails. with_vi_widgets : :class:`bool`, optional Include widgets used to enter VI information. Set it to ``False`` if you do not intend to record VI files. top_metadata : :class:`list`, optional List of metadata to be highlighted in the top (most visible) table. Default values ['TARGETID', 'EXPID', 'COADD_NUMEXP', 'COADD_EXPTIME'] vi_countdown : :class:`int`, optional If ``>0``, add a countdown widget in the VI panel, with a value in minutes given by `vi_countdown``. with_thumb_only_page : :class:`bool`, optional When creating a static HTML (`notebook` is ``False``), a light HTML page including only the thumb gallery will also be produced. with_coaddcam : :class:`bool`, optional Include camera-coaddition, only relevant for DESI. mask_type : :class:`str`, optional (default: DESI_TARGET) Bitmask type to identify target categories in the spectra. Supported types are in `..utilities.supported_desitarget_masks` model_from_zcat : :class:`bool`, optional If ``True``, model spectra will be computed from the input `zcatalog`. model : :func:`tuple`, optional If set, use this input set of model spectra instead of computing it from `zcatalog`. model consists of (mwave, mflux); model must be entry-matched to `zcatalog`. num_approx_fits : :class:`int`, optional Number of best-fit models to display, if `redrock_cat` is provided. By default, all best-fit models available in `redrock_cat` are diplayed. with_full_2ndfit : :class:`bool`, optional If ``True``, the second best-fit model from `redrock_cat` will be displayed without approximation (no undersampling, full resolution). template_dir : :class:`str`, optional Redrock template directory. archetype_fit : :class:`bool`, optional If ``True``, assume `zcatalog` derived from :command:`redrock --archetypes` and plot model accordingly. archetypes_dir : :class:`str`, optional Directory path for archetypes if not :envvar:`RR_ARCHETYPE_DIR`. std_template_file : :class:`str`, optional File containing standard templates to display in viewer. ''' #- Check input spectra. #- Set masked bins to NaN for compatibility with bokeh. if _specutils_imported and isinstance(spectra, Spectrum1D): # We will assume this is from an SDSS/BOSS/eBOSS spPlate file. survey = 'SDSS' nspec = spectra.flux.shape[0] # Historically, SDSS ignored any mask when marking bad pixels in plots. bad = (spectra.uncertainty.array == 0.0) spectra.flux[bad] = np.nan elif _specutils_imported and isinstance(spectra, SpectrumList): # We will assume this is from a DESI spectra or coadd file. survey = 'DESI' nspec = spectra[0].flux.shape[0] for s in spectra: # For DESI, anything that has a non-zero mask should also already # have ivar == 0, so this may be redundant, but should also be harmless. bad = (s.uncertainty.array == 0.0) | s.mask s.flux[bad] = np.nan else: # DESI object (Spectra or list of Frame) survey = 'DESI' if _desispec_imported and isinstance(spectra, desispec.spectra.Spectra): nspec = spectra.num_spectra() elif _desispec_imported and isinstance(spectra, list) and isinstance(spectra[0], desispec.frame.Frame): # If inputs are frames, convert to a spectra object spectra = frames2spectra(spectra) nspec = spectra.num_spectra() if title is None: title = 'Night {} ExpID {} Spectrograph {}'.format( spectra.meta['NIGHT'], spectra.meta['EXPID'], spectra.meta['CAMERA'][1], ) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported type for input spectra. \n"+ " _specutils_imported = "+str(_specutils_imported)+"\n"+ " _desispec_imported = "+str(_desispec_imported)) for band in spectra.bands: # For DESI, anything that has a non-zero mask should also already # have ivar == 0, so this may be redundant, but should also be harmless. bad = (spectra.ivar[band] == 0.0) | (spectra.mask[band] != 0) spectra.flux[band][bad] = np.nan #- No coaddition if spectra is already single-band if len(spectra.bands)==1 : with_coaddcam = False if title is None: title = "prospect" #- Input zcatalog / model if zcatalog is not None: if survey == 'SDSS': if len(zcatalog) != spectra.flux.shape[0]: raise ValueError('zcatalog and spectra do not match (different lengths)') else: if np.any(zcatalog['TARGETID'] != spectra.fibermap['TARGETID']) : raise ValueError('zcatalog and spectra do not match (different targetids)') if model is not None: # SDSS spectra will supply the model. assert not model_from_zcat mwave, mflux = model if len(mflux) != nspec: raise ValueError("model fluxes do not match spectra (different nb of entries)") if model_from_zcat : # DESI spectra will obtain the model from templates. model = create_model(spectra, zcatalog, archetype_fit=archetype_fit, archetypes_dir=archetypes_dir, template_dir=template_dir) #----- #- Gather information into ColumnDataSource objects for Bokeh viewer_cds = ViewerCDS() viewer_cds.load_spectra(spectra, with_noise) viewer_cds.compute_median_spectra(spectra) if with_coaddcam : viewer_cds.init_coaddcam_spec(spectra, with_noise) if model is not None: viewer_cds.init_model(model) if zcatalog is not None and with_other_model: viewer_cds.init_othermodel(zcatalog) if with_other_model: viewer_cds.load_std_templates(std_template_file=std_template_file) if redrock_cat is not None : if np.any(redrock_cat['TARGETID'] != spectra.fibermap['TARGETID']) : raise RuntimeError('redrock_cat and spectra do not match (different targetids)') if zcatalog is None : raise ValueError('Redrock_cat was provided but not zcatalog.') if num_approx_fits!=0 : # TODO un-hardcode nbpts_templates ? viewer_cds.load_fit_templates(template_dir=template_dir, nbpts_templates=4000) viewer_cds.load_rrdetails(redrock_cat) #- define num_approx_fits, used in the "model_select" widget: nfits_redrock_cat = viewer_cds.dict_rrdetails['Nfit'] if num_approx_fits is None : num_approx_fits = nfits_redrock_cat if (num_approx_fits > nfits_redrock_cat): print("Warning, num_approx_fits too large wrt redrock_cat. Changing it.") num_approx_fits = nfits_redrock_cat if with_full_2ndfit : zcat_2ndfit = create_zcat_from_redrock_cat(redrock_cat, fit_num=1) model_2ndfit = create_model(spectra, zcat_2ndfit, archetype_fit=archetype_fit, archetypes_dir=archetypes_dir, template_dir=template_dir) viewer_cds.init_model(model_2ndfit, second_fit=True) viewer_cds.load_metadata(spectra, mask_type=mask_type, zcatalog=zcatalog, survey=survey) #------------------------- #-- Graphical objects -- #------------------------- viewer_plots = ViewerPlots(colors=colors) viewer_plots.create_mainfig(spectra, title, viewer_cds, survey, with_noise=with_noise, with_coaddcam=with_coaddcam) viewer_plots.create_zoomfig(viewer_cds, with_noise=with_noise, with_coaddcam=with_coaddcam) if with_imaging : viewer_plots.create_imfig(spectra) #----- #- Emission and absorption lines z = zcatalog['Z'][0] if (zcatalog is not None) else 0.0 viewer_cds.load_spectral_lines(z) viewer_plots.add_spectral_lines(viewer_cds, figure='main') viewer_plots.add_spectral_lines(viewer_cds, figure='zoom', label_offset_top=50) #------------------------- #-- Widgets and callbacks -- #------------------------- viewer_widgets = ViewerWidgets(viewer_plots, nspec) viewer_widgets.add_navigation(nspec) viewer_widgets.add_resetrange(viewer_cds, viewer_plots) viewer_widgets.add_redshift_widgets(z, viewer_cds, viewer_plots) viewer_widgets.add_oii_widgets(viewer_plots) viewer_plots.add_imfig_callback(viewer_widgets) if viewer_cds.cds_coaddcam_spec is not None : viewer_widgets.add_coaddcam(viewer_plots) if zcatalog is not None : show_zcat = True else : show_zcat = False if top_metadata is None: top_metadata = ['TARGETID', 'EXPID', 'COADD_NUMEXP', 'COADD_EXPTIME'] viewer_widgets.add_metadata_tables(viewer_cds, top_metadata=top_metadata, show_zcat=show_zcat) viewer_widgets.add_specline_toggles(viewer_cds, viewer_plots) if with_other_model: viewer_widgets.add_model_select(viewer_cds, num_approx_fits) #----- #- VI-related widgets ## TODO if with_vi_widgets (need to adapt update_plot.js..) viewer_vi_widgets = ViewerVIWidgets(title, viewer_cds) viewer_vi_widgets.add_filename() viewer_vi_widgets.add_vi_issues(viewer_cds, viewer_widgets) viewer_vi_widgets.add_vi_z(viewer_cds, viewer_widgets) viewer_vi_widgets.add_vi_spectype(viewer_cds, viewer_widgets) viewer_vi_widgets.add_vi_comment(viewer_cds, viewer_widgets) viewer_vi_widgets.add_vi_quality(viewer_cds, viewer_widgets) viewer_vi_widgets.add_vi_scanner(viewer_cds) viewer_vi_widgets.add_guidelines() viewer_vi_widgets.add_vi_storage(viewer_cds, viewer_widgets) viewer_vi_widgets.add_vi_table(viewer_cds) if (vi_countdown > 0) : viewer_vi_widgets.add_countdown(vi_countdown) viewer_widgets.add_update_plot_callback(viewer_cds, viewer_plots, viewer_vi_widgets) #----- #- Bokeh layout and output bokeh_layout = ViewerLayout(viewer_plots, viewer_widgets, viewer_vi_widgets, with_vi_widgets=with_vi_widgets) if with_thumb_tab: bokeh_layout.add_thumb_tab(spectra, viewer_plots, viewer_widgets, nspec) if notebook: bk.output_notebook() else: if html_dir is None and outfile is None: raise RuntimeError("Need html_dir or outfile") if outfile is None: outfile = os.path.join(html_dir, title+".html") bk.output_file(outfile, title='DESI spectral viewer') #----- #- "Light" Bokeh layout including only the thumbnail gallery if with_thumb_only_page : assert not notebook thumb_page = os.path.join(html_dir, "thumbs_"+title+".html") bk.output_file(thumb_page, title='DESI spectral viewer - thumbnail gallery') thumb_grid = StandaloneThumbLayout(spectra, viewer_plots, title)